Portrait photo of Hugo Josefson

Hugo Josefson

Hugo Josefson is a web server/client developer who loves to learn and share; works at Devoteam.

3 years ago

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I, for one, am excited to see ⚡️Fast⚡️ and tiny web framework SolidJS reach official 1.0: https://dev.to/ryansolid/solidjs-official-release-the-long-road-to-1-0-4ldd by @RyanCarniato
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I think I just invented a two-line shebang, that makes a TypeScript file executable, completely standalone. You do… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1373382052284923908
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Rendering HTML tables of data, using CSS, is the correct way to do it IMHO: https://chartscss.org/
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I like this idea of encapsulating tools with Docker: https://jonathan.bergknoff.com/journal/run-more-stuff-in-docker/

--> load('5 more')